A Change Within Sight
Sarvenaz Sepehri,Psy.D.
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
I’m a Sacramento native, UCLA Bruin, and clinical psychologist, in chronological order. These days, I work in private practice with teens and adults who are looking to make a change; they’re stumped, though, about where to begin. That’s where I come in...
The therapeutic relationship is quite unique. It's not just a place you come to vent. Rather it's more about thinking, feeling, and exploring. If we take every version of yourself - the partner; the parent; the friend; the employee - and put them in a room together, there's a lot we can learn about who you are in the world.
So what's the point of that? If each of us lived on a deserted island, there would be no point. But we don't. We interact with others all the time and sometimes those dynamics can be complicated. We may feel hopeless in some of our relationships and rather powerful in others. Our frustrations can take on a life of their own and injure our relationships. Or we may be stuck in a state of grief, unable to imagine a future. These are just a few examples of why we need another person with whom we can examine these dynamics. Our patterns - the way we relate to other people - show up whether we invite them or not. So why wouldn't we bring them into a collaborative space where we can understand them better and try out other versions of ourselves that we didn't know we had. What would we have to lose?
Therapeutic Assessment
So what is it? It's where psychological testing and therapy meet in the middle. Let me explain. Usually people seek out an assessment because they have questions they want answered. For example, you might be wondering:
Do I have ADHD?
Why am I such a perfectionist?
How can I have longer lasting relationships?
How can I feel confident enough to try new things?
All of these are fair game and so much more. In fact, your curiosity will be the engine that will keep this plane in the air. We'll be co-pilots because no one knows you better than you, so your input will be essential. The tests we'll work on together are tools that will help us understand you through a new lens. What for? Well if a few questions have already come to mind, I'm guessing the answers you have so far aren't quite cutting it for you. Perhaps there's angle you haven't considered before, one that's more accurate, compassionate, and empowering. That's where we'll locate the answers to your questions.

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The Everymom

Contact Me
601 University Avenue, Ste. 144
Sacramento, CA 95825